
推荐最近最火的赌博软件, 联邦IT和工程解决方案的领先供应商, 是对公司创始人H. Thomas“Tom”伦于2014年2月28日去世.

伦, 一个真正的企业家, founded 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 (formerly American Communications Company) in 1975 with a focus on providing technicians to telecommunications firms.  今天, the company is a broad-based provider of services and solutions to government customers in support of national priorities, 年收入约为3.5亿美元.

In 1976, 柯伦与福雷斯特(伍迪饰)拉姆齐联手, 该公司最初的重点扩展到包括美国的系统工程.S. 潜艇,主要是三叉戟级.  有了这项新工作, 他们还决定将公司名称改为最近比较火的正规赌博软件(ASC)。.

In 1990, Tom and Woody put in place the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) and subsequently sold their remaining stock shares to the ESOP in October, 1997.  最近比较火的正规赌博软件现在是美国最大的多数股权持股公司之一.S.  伦 stepped down as President and CEO but remained as Chairman of the Board until October, 2001.  在他给员工的告别备忘录中, 柯伦说, “……我在ASC的旅行是一段令人振奋的旅程,似乎刚刚一闪而过.  I have had much more than my share of fun and realized an enormous sense of pride in all that we have accomplished over the years.  谈论ASC的优秀员工似乎有些陈词滥调, 但我必须, 因为你, 那些在你之前的人, 真正的是."

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 shares in the 伦 family's grief and wishes to express deepest condolences to 伦's wife Sarah and the rest of the family.  "Tom 伦 will be remembered with great admiration and appreciation for all he did for the company and its employee-owners,现任最近比较火的正规赌博软件总裁兼首席执行官指出, 比尔胡佛. "His commitment to our customers and shareholders remain vital to the fabric of our corporate culture today, 从他创立公司到现在已经快40年了."

服务将在Money举行 & 国王殡仪馆,维也纳枫树大道西171号,VA 22180;http://www.moneyandking.com/ 3月7日星期五下午1点起.m. 到下午4点.m. 晚上6点.m. 到晚上8点.m.  一场葬礼弥撒将在圣. 马克天主教堂,维也纳维尔路9970号,VA 22181; http://www.stmark.org/ 3月8日星期六上午11点.m.  葬礼将在弗林特山公墓举行.

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