最近比较火的正规赌博软件收购DDL OMNI工程有限公司.

Chantilly, Va., August 6, 2018 -- AMERICAN SYSTEMS, 联邦IT和工程解决方案的领先供应商, 今天宣布收购DDL OMNI工程公司, LLC (DDL OMNI). 该交易于8月3日正式完成,其中DDL OMNI由Teneo Capital代表.

The strategic acquisition of the McLean, 总部位于弗吉尼亚州的工程和技术服务提供商将补充最近比较火的正规赌博软件现有的能力,并扩大公司在关键领域的足迹. 此次收购将为最近比较火的正规赌博软件增加250多名员工. 

“收购是我们增长战略的重要组成部分, 我们努力工作,以确保我们选择了非常适合我们的公司, both strategically and culturally,” said Peter Smith, AMERICAN SYSTEMS’ President and CEO. “DDL OMNI分享我们对国家优先项目的承诺, and their culture will mesh well with ours.”

DDL OMNI自1967年以来一直为联邦政府和商业客户提供创新的工程和技术服务. The company’s core capabilities include Alteration Design and Installation Services; Environmental Services; Materials and Structures Engineering; Program and Strategic Management; Sensor and Electronics Development; Software, Web and Systems Development; Technical Documentation; and Training and Simulation.

Under the terms of the agreement, DDL OMNI将加入最近比较火的正规赌博软件的专业和定制解决方案组, led by VP/GM Hyuk Byun. “收购DDL OMNI意味着我们现在为现有和新客户带来了超过90年的集体企业经验,” noted Byun. “我们的联合资源将使各方受益——我们的客户、我们的公司和我们的员工.”


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